Pregnancy massages can be given from three months (the second trimester) until the last day of the pregnancy. Are there any complications which make you doubt if a pregnancy massage is something for you? Please consult your midwife first.
The massages are given by Natalie Carnier from Pacha Mama balance
Natalie Carnier
06 - 36 58 97 40
The pregnancy period is a special period in which many changes take place in the body of the expectant mother. Physical and hormonal changes take place to make room for the development of the baby and childbirth. In this period a pregnancy massage is a real treat for both mother and child.
During the pregnancy a variety of complaints can occur, like neck and back pain, pelvic complaints, retaining fluid, cramps, sleeplessness but also anxiety and stress can play a role. A massage can help alleviate these complaints. The massage relieves pain, improves the blood circulation, reduces swelling, is calming and relaxes.
Even when there are no complaints a massage makes a positive contribution to both mother and baby. The hormones which are released during a massage give a feeling of happiness and wellbeing, which will also reach your baby through the placenta. This relaxes your baby and reduces possible stress.
Before every treatment there will be an intake, so that each treatment will be tailored to your specific wishes and needs at that moment. The massages will be given on a special pregnancy massage table with cut-outs for the breasts and abdomen. The belly will be supported by a belly strap, which makes it possible for the mother to lie down on her belly.
Shiatsu relaxation massage 60 minutes
€ 90,00
Shiatsu therapeutic massage for specific complaints 60 - 75 minutes (including an intake conversation)
€ 95,00
Breathwork for trauma/stress release & mindfulness coaching - 1,5 uur
€ 150,00